Surabaya Police have named Arnold Zadrach Sitaniya (APS) as a suspect in the death of three Surabaya musicians after consuming liquor at the Cruz Lounge Bar Vasa Hotel. The suspect is suspected of giving a mixture of hazardous substances in drinks consumed by the victims.

"Based on two pieces of evidence, we have also obtained information from witnesses, Ahil statements from the East Java Police Labfot and forensic medicine, then evidence of an autopsy letter, order letter of goods, and evidence of CCTV footage," said the Surabaya Police Chief, Kombes Pasma Royce, Friday, January 5.

AZS is suspected of distributing dead goods or substances in a mixture of liquor. Even though AZS found out that the mixture of substances was very dangerous for the lives of others, causing the victim to die.

"Suspect AZS sold 12 bottles of Skymen's alcoholic beverages and 12 bottles of Bachardi to victims of WAR and IP, by means of under-tables or not being recorded at the cashier. Well, the toilet serves by mixing it into a carafe or a teapot measuring 750 ml," he said.

Information on the ground, that night one of the victims asked the mitigation to make the drink stronger or stronger. AZR also added a liquid which he considered Etanol, even though it was Methanol.

"Well, the composition on the first to fourth carfe is mixed with 100 milliliters of Methanol, Bachar in 376 milliliters, and Cranberry Juice 375 milliliters," he said.

Then in the fifth to sixth carfe plus Methanol as many as 100 milliliters, Skymen's 375 milliliters, and Cranberry Juice 200 milliliters.

Then in the seventh to ninth carfe mixed with Methanol 200 ml, plus Skymens as much as 375 ml, and Cranberry Juice 200 milliliters.

The police revealed the findings of composition in the mixture of alcohol during an investigation since December 30, 2023. The police have pocketed more than two pieces of evidence regulated in Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

From the testimony of witnesses and evidence, the police finally raised the status of AZS as a suspect, in the case of alleged criminal acts, whoever deliberately took the lives of others, or distributed goods that endangered the lives of others, resulting in people dying.

"This case is in accordance with Article 338 of the Criminal Code or 204 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code, and the suspect faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison," he concluded.

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