The list of presidential candidate panelists on January 7, 2024 has been announced by the General Elections Commission (KPU). The panelists selected are experts in the field who match the debate themes on Defense, Security, International Relations, Globalization, Geopoliticals, and Foreign Politics.

In the presidential candidate debate later, the panelists are tasked with formulating questions for the three presidential candidates, namely Anies Baswedan, Prabowo Subianto, and Ganjar Pranowo. So who are the panelists of the second session of the presidential candidate debate held at Istora Senayan, Jakarta later?

The KPU carries 11 panelists with various backgrounds of expertise or expertise in the theme of this third presidential election debate. The panelist names consist of academics from the best campuses in Indonesia and researchers who have been agreed upon by their respective teams.

As in the previous presidential debate, the panelists will undergo quarantine until the debate is over. The following is a list of 11 names of the panelists of the second presidential candidate debate in the 2024 presidential election

I Made Andi Arsana is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Geodesics, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta. Made Andi is known as an expert in the field of Marine Law Geospatial.

Made Andi Arsana received a doctoral degree in International Marine Law from the Australian National Center for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS), University of Wollongong (2008-2014). He was noted to have been involved in the revised 5th edition of the UN Convention Technical Aspect Manual (TALOS) published by the International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco.

Prof. Angel Damayanti PhD is a Professor for International Security at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) at the Indonesian Christian University (UKI). He works as a lecturer on International Relations Fisipol UKI.

Prof. Angel is also noted to be working as a lecturer at the Faculty of Police Sciences (STIK/PTIK) Doctoral Program and Senior Researcher at the UKI Center for Security and Foreign Affairs (CESFAS).

Curie Savitri is a lecturer at Binus University who is qualified for the Conflict and Security Study Program at Binus University. Curie earned her doctorate from Cranfield University in 2016.

Prior to his career as an academic in Binus, Curie had actively worked on issues of defense management with the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas).

Prof. Evi currently holds the status of Professor of International Relations (HI) at Fisipol UI. Evi also held the position of chairman of the Department of HI FISIP UI (2012-2016). He obtained a doctorate from the Australian National University (ANU) in 2011.

Prof Hikmahanto is an academic and Professor of International Law at the University of Indonesia (UI). Prof. Hikmahanto currently serves as Chancellor of General Achmad Yani University (Unjani) Cimahi, since April 17, 2020.

Dr. Ian Montratama is a lecturer in the International Relations (HI) study program at Pertamina University. He studied master at European Business (ME.B.), EDHEC Lille, France in 2000-2001. In 2017, he completed his doctoral program majoring in HI at Unpad Bandung.

Irene Islam is a senior researcher at the Indonesian Political Research Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). He earned his doctorate from Monash University's Gender, Peace and Security (GPS) Center, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts on November 15, 2023.

Irene had worked at the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) from 2017 to 2018 to develop a National Action Plan in Overcoming / Preventing Violent Extremism that Caused Terrorism (P / CVE NAP).

Dr Kusnanto Anggoro is a security and defense expert from the Defense University (IDU). Kusnanto has also been a teacher at the University of Indonesia (UI) of the Naval Staff and Command School (Seskoal). He is also a military observer from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

Philips J Vermonte PhD has the status of Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of International Islamic Indonesia (UIII). Philips received a PhD in Political Science from Northern Illinois University, United States. He is also active as Executive Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Indonesia to Chairman of the Indonesian Poll Association (Persepi).

Prof. Dr. R Widya Setiabudi is a Professor of Global Security at Unpad. So far, Widya has taken the focus of security and defense studies, ASEAN studies, Chinese studies, civil-military relations, conflict resolution, Peace studies, conflict management, counter-terrorism, as well as democracy and human rights.

Marsetio is a former Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL). Currently he is listed as Chairman of the Council of Professors of the Defense University. He has also been a teacher at Naval War College USA, at the Naval Staff and Naval Command School, at Sesko TNI, and Lemhannas.

That is the list of panelists for the upcoming January 7 presidential election debate. The third presidential election debate will be held at Istora Senayan, Jakarta and broadcast on a number of television stations and YouTube channels. Also read the KPU which does not use the abbreviation in the presidential and vice presidential debate.

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