JAKARTA - Candidate for vice president number 3 Mahfud MD admitted that he had no problem with the existence of two people affiliated with the Defense University (IDU) among 11 panelists of the second presidential candidate debate on Sunday, January 7.

The involvement of the two panelists from the Defense University invited comments considering that the university is under the coordination of the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan) which is currently led by Prabowo Subianto, presidential candidate number 2.

"It's okay, from anywhere," said Mahfud when giving a press statement quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, January 4.

The KPU on Wednesday (3/1) announced 11 third debate panelists, including security expert Defense University Kusnanto Anggoro and KSAL 2012 2014 as well as Chairman of the Defense University Professors Council Admiral TNI Retired Marsetio.

The two were involved in the third debate which included the theme of defense, security, international relations, globalization, geopoliticals, and foreign politics.

Vice Presidential Candidate number 1 Muhaimin Iskandar also commented on the presence of the Defense University affiliated panelist and considered it to disrupt objectivity.

"Because it interferes with objectivity. Because of anything, the Defense University is under Pak Prabowo, the Minister of Defense," said Muhaimin in a statement received in Jakarta, Thursday.

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