JAKARTA - Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said that Indonesia continues to examine the possibility of joining the BRICS trade alliance, and is studying the benefits that will be obtained from the membership.

The BRICS trade alliance is an economic alliance consisting of five developing countries, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, and Ethiopia joined the BRICS on January 1, so that members grew from 5 to 10 countries.

When many developing countries expressed their desire to join BRICS, Retno said that Indonesia would not rush into making decisions.

"Our foreign politics is always carefully taken into account, no decisions have just been issued. So for now Indonesia is still studying the advantages that can be obtained by joining the BRICS," said Retno, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, January 4.

The Foreign Minister said that Indonesia has principled to open the door of cooperation with all parties as long as the cooperation is mutually beneficial.

Indonesia, he said, also has good relations with BRICS member countries, and even recorded the largest trade value with one of the members, namely China.

According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia-China's total trade value in the January--October 2023 period was recorded at 104.84 billion US dollars.

"So if we haven't joined BRICS, our relationship with each country (member) is maintained very well," said Retno.

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