Anies Visits Solok Promises To Bring Change To Family's Fate
President Anies Baswedan's candidate for direction in front of his sympathizers in Solok, West Sumatra, Wednesday (3/1/2024). ANTARA/HO-Timnas AMIN

PADANG - Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan promised to bring change to the level of fate of families in Indonesia when he met sympathizers in Solok City, West Sumatra.

According to him, the idea of change for Indonesia is not only a matter of changing politics, president, parties, and coalitions, but also about the issue of basic food prices, so that it is a job issue.

"It's quite expensive necessities, quite a difficult job, quite expensive education, we want changes," Anies said in an official statement from the Deputy for Media and Communication of the AMIN National Team, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 3.

The idea of changing that he brought to Solok would be based on the results of his journey from the Desak Anies event to meeting and hearing the aspirations of farmers directly.

Farmers in the area, said Anies, complained that they had to buy fertilizer at an expensive price. In fact, Solok is the area that produces the best rice.

"What is needed is consistent fertilizer. God willing, we will make changes," he said.

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