Presidential candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan, responded to the statement by the Vice President (Wapres) of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin, who said that the vice president's position was not the President's spare tire.

Anies agrees with this. According to him, his running mate's vice presidential candidate, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) will not be in the position of spare tires if they win the 2024 presidential election.

"So, the couple is equal and we believe that because we are very grateful to be paired with Gus Muhaimin," said Anies at Anies' Desak event in Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra, Wednesday, January 3.

According to Anies, Cak Imin is a person who has a qualified track record from a young age. Cak Imin has served as General Chair of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII) and is now the General Chair of PKB.

"So it's not someone who is karbitan, not someone who suddenly becomes a vice presidential candidate. Not at all. God willing, in the future we as a couple, if the mandate is given, we can work together and be equal to complement each other," said Anies.

Anies also gave an example of the Vice President who has the same position as his president, namely the 1st Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Mohammad Hatta. Anies is of the view that Bung Hatta has had high idealism, has insight, and is a fighting spirit.

"So when Bung Hatta and Bung Karno were trusted to be the pair of Presidents and vice presidents, the entire Indonesian nation looked at them both with their heads held high. Both are people we should be proud of," he said.

Another figure that Anies gave an example was the 10th and 12th Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla. "Mr. JK, when he was Vice President he was equal to the President. He really can do so many things, the sooner the better. Then he can help in the economic sector, peace," Anies added.

Previously, Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin hoped that the figure of the vice president elected in the 2024 election would not act as a spare tire or as a reserve official.

"In the future, I hope that the vice president will be better than me. If that's the case, there won't be an increase, right. It must be better than me in my duties. And don't say spare tires, not spare tires," said Ma'ruf in Semarang City, Thursday, January 29.

"This means that its function is adjusted to his position as vice president. Do not want the vice president to be president. But the vice president must also function according to the portion that should be done," he added.

He said a vice president must take part in various government programs, at least conveying views in each series of cabinet sessions. The task delegation mandated by the president, he said, must focus on it.

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