The selection of Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) this year opened earlier, making it happy for job seekers. The government will hold CPNS recruitment in January with the largest quota allocation for high school graduates equivalent and universities. So what is the leak of the 2024 CPNS formation like?

The Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB), Abdullah Azwar Anas, immediately held an internal coordination meeting on the first day of work in 2024. One of the important things discussed in the meeting was the preparation for the CPNS selection for this year.

"The plan is that President Joko Widodo will announce the opening of the CASN 2024 selection. The policy in 2024 is expected to reduce the position that will be affected by digital transformation as much as possible," he said.

MenpanRB revealed that this year's CPNS selection will be prioritized for teachers and health workers. For jobseekers or fresh graduates, it is important to monitor leakage of the 2024 CPNS formation and its implementation schedule.

The government is holding CPNS 2024 recruitment to meet the needs of human resources in government agencies, both central and regional. In addition to prioritizing positions for teachers and health workers, in this year's CPNS selection, the government has also opened greater space for fresh graduates from high school and college.

Azwar Anas revealed that the government has its own reasons for opening up greater opportunities for CPNS selection for new graduates. This is because the quota opened for fresh graduates in last year's CPNS and PPPK recruitment is still relatively small.

"Then secondly, we will recruit fresh graduates, children who have just graduated, who have not been recruited by CPNS so far," said the MenpanRB.

In addition, Minister Anas also mentioned that new graduates are expected to support digital transformation in the government bureaucracy. However, further provisions regarding this matter are still being studied and explored regarding the necessary positions, ranging from teachers, doctors, and digital talent.

MenpanRB also explained that the directive from President Jokowi regarding the acceptance of CPNS from new graduates will be placed in the capital city of the archipelago (IKN). The projected need for ASN in 2024 is intended for central agencies, regional agencies, and graduates of official schools. In addition, the government will also give appreciation to ASN who want to serve in the 3T area (left behind, outermost, frontier).

"The distribution of teachers in the 3T area (frontier, outermost, left behind) is one of the focuses of procurement next year. The government will also provide affirmations for non-ASN teachers who have served in 3T areas so that they can be accommodated to become PPPK," said Minister Anas.

The quota for the 2024 CPNS selection has not yet been determined. MenpanRB is not willing to explain how much quota is prepared by the government for fresh graduates in the first phase of recruitment. He said that information related to the CPNS quota for new graduates would be delivered directly by President Jokowi.

"The number I can't announce today because later in the first month, January the first week, the president (Jokowi) will announce it," said Minister Anas.

MenpanRB revealed that in this year's CPNS selection, the quota prepared is around 1.3 million. The calculation of the quota amount is based on the rest of the 2023 CPNS recruitment formation.

The 2024 CPNS selection schedule will be announced by President Jokowi. Reportedly, the government will reopen CPNS recruitment in January this year. Although the registration schedule has not yet been released, the latest information can be monitored through social media accounts and official government websites.

Such is the review of the leak of the 2024 CPNS formation which will soon be opened by the government. Job seekers or fresh graduates are expected to always monitor the latest information from the government regarding CPNS recruitment this year. Also read the CASN selection opened widely for fresh graduates.

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