JAKARTA - Secretary of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN), Nusron Wahid responded to the statement of PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto who considered the presidential candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto could not blusukan as stated by Presidential Candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo. Nusron said that Hasto was panicking because President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) began to appear to side with candidate pair number 2. "So far (PDIP, red) the champion wants to always be linked with Pak Jokowi. And now, it is clearly more in favor of Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran. Yes, this (Prabowo cannot blusukan, ed) is the expression of people who are confused, the expression of people who are panicking. Yes, it's okay for him to say that," said Nusron at the TKN Media Center, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 2. According to the Golkar politician, everyone has the right and can carry out blusukan activities. Prabowo, he said, also did blusukan to hear the aspirations of the people. "Pak Jokowi blusukan alhamdulillah, Pak Ganjar blusukan alhamdulillah, Pak Prabowo juga blusukan alhamdulillah. Mas Gibran let alone, following in his father's footsteps blusukan everywhere. Yes, if we don't blusukan, don't listen to people's aspirations, where do we get information from?," said Nusron. Nusron then revealed one of Prabowo's interesting things. He said, only Prabowo is the only presidential candidate who has a gemoy branding and cannot be followed by other presidential candidates. "Everything else can be done, but other gemoys can't. Pak Prabowo's style is gemoy, because his physical structure supports it. Others happen to be slim-langsing all. Ra iso gemoy," he said. "So I'm sorry, sir, yes. Say my regards to Mas Hasto. If you're confused, don't be like that," added Nusron. Previously, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto mentioned Jokowi's blusukan that followed Ganjar. According to him, it doesn't matter because only bull cadres often go to the small people. "If Mr. Jokowi seems behind Mr. Ganjar, Mr. Ganjar comes to Central Java, then Mr. Jokowi comes to Central Java, yes, as Pak Ganjar said, ‘ yes, that's good ’,” Hasto said at a media conference in early 2024 PDI Perjuangan, at the PDIP DPP Office, Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, January 2. The secretary of the Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) said Ganjar's blusukan style was unable to do any presidential candidate. Even Prabowo is considered less of an impression of blusukan and populist. "“ Because what can really be blusukan is Pak Ganjar and Pak Jokowi. Pak Prabowo can't blusukan," he said.
Hasto emphasized that the blusukan further made the people know that the national leaders who moved quickly and blusukan were the figures of Ganjar and Jokowi. But, he said, blusukan is not easy to follow as long as it goes down but you have to get used to it. "Jadi akhirnya rakyat bisa melihat bagi ke republican ini, pemimpin nasional yang bergerak cepat yang bisa blusukan itu Pak Jokowi dan Pak Ganjar. Dan blusukan itu tidak bisa diperkibatkan,” kata Hasto.

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