The Sukabumi Police Traffic Unit noted that from 22 to 31 December 2023, hundreds of thousands of vehicles entered and out of the Sukabumi Regency area, West Java through two exits to the Bocimi Toll Road.

"Vehicles entering and leaving Sukabumi Regency starting from the holidays and collective leave of Christmas 2023 until the turn of the year are quite high," said Sukabumi Police Chief AKBP Maruly Pardede in Sukabumi, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 1. As for data on vehicles leaving and entering Sukabumi Regency from the Sukabumi Police Traffic Unit, vehicles entering Sukabumi Police Unit from the Cigombong Toll Exit are 34,446 units and for those leaving 29.355 units. Then vehicles leaving Sukabumi via the exit of the Parungkuda Toll 87,511 units while those entering 93,857 units. Maruly said that from the Christmas 2023 holiday to the 2024 New Year celebration there were no prominent traffic accidents or it could be said that the traffic flow conditions were safe and controlled. Then on Sunday 31 December, data entered through the exit of the Parungkuda Toll 5,115 units then for 7,478 units.

Selanjutnya, untuk kendaraan roda dua atau sepeda motor yang masuk melalui jalur wisata Kabupaten Sukabumi tercatat ada 8.437 unit sementara yang keluar hanya 3.607 unit.

"During the implementation of the 2023 Lodaya Candle Operation, there were no prominent cases of traffic accidents," he added. Maruly said the anticipation carried out by joint officers so that the traffic flow remains smooth or there is no long traffic jam, some vehicles are directed to alternative routes and carry out vehicle flow engineering at several points.

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