JAKARTA - An 11-year-old boy is suspected of being a victim of rape by his stepfather with the initials H at Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta.
The victim's cousin, Fitri, said the victim had been sexually assaulted and raped since 2022. However, he did not know the exact time for the first time the depraved act.
"Yes, since grade 5 elementary school. He said that I (the victim) had been bathed by my father naked. He was told to sit on his thigh lap, then my father was holding around, he was raped," Fitri said when met in Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, Saturday, December 30.
Based on the victim's confession, the alleged perpetrator often committed the act of obscenity. However, the action was not reported because the victim received threats from the alleged perpetrator.
"There was a threat from his father. He did it often but I asked him several times, he said 'don't know' he often said that he confessed to me,' he said.
Fitri revealed that the sexual abuse began when the victim played at his grandmother's house in the Kebayoran Lama area, South Jakarta. The victim told about what happened to him.
"If it's with me, he says'mamah Tasya helps me, I ask for help', right, I have a child, like him. If I'm in my position, how do you like it. I just want to help and I also say the family of his mother," he said.
On that basis, the family made a police report against the victim's stepfather on Friday, December 22, 2023. The report is registered with LP/3919/XII/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO SOUTH JAKARTA/POLDA METRO JAYA.
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