Commission VII DPR Asks PT IMIP To Disburse Funeral Money For Victims Of The Morowali Smelter Explosion Of Rp600 Million Per Person
Illustration of the DPR Building of the MPR Senayan Jakarta. (Between)

JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR Adian Napitupulu asked PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) to immediately realize the funeral money for victims of the PT Indonesia Singshan Stainless Steel (ITSS) smelter stove in the IMIP area, Morowali, Central Sulawesi, Sunday 24 December.

"The funeral money promised by the company is at least Rp600 million per person and the dependents of education until graduation cannot be delayed and complicated. What has been promised must be realized immediately, so as not to add to the suffering of the victims," he said in a written statement in Jakarta, Friday, December 29, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the incident that claimed the lives of 19 people, including 11 Indonesians and eight foreign workers from China, was a disaster that no one would want.

"This fire is not anyone's wish. This is indeed a disaster and the whole nation must be saddened by the loss of life," he said.

According to him, the first priority that must be done is serious handling of victims, both from companies and from the state through BPJS Manpower/Jamsostek.

"As a member of the DPR, the speed of handling and attitude of responsibility, of course, needs to be appreciated because it is proof of the attitude that the incident was not intentional," he said.

Adian juga mendorong agar pengusutan terhadap penyebab dari kebakaran itu segera dilakukan. Dia berharap peristiwa tersebut tidak terulang. Pelibatan pihak-pihak yang memahami smelter dan prosesnya juga harus dilakukan. Hal itu perlu agar proses produksi terus bisa berjalan dan pekerja bisa bekerja dalam suasana kerja yang aman dari peristiwa serupa.

"What the Central Sulawesi Police Chief said that the fire occurred when the stove was being cleaned, of course, the results of the in-depth examination were not just talk. For that, I hope that the company will increase the SOP (standard operating procedure) and control the SOP, for example when conducting inspections, cleaning or repairing the stove, at least the area within a certain radius is vacated," he said.

In addition, according to him, increasing the SOP according to the results of the Central Sulawesi Regional Police examination is proof of the company's seriousness in preventing such incidents from recurring.

"If the SOP is repaired along with increasing K3 discipline (health and work safety) then production can still be carried out with a higher level of prudence," he said.

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