JAKARTA - The National Police prohibits the use of firecrackers or firecrackers in celebration of the turn of 2024. Firecrackers can endanger others.

"Regarding firecrackers, we convey that firecrackers are prohibited from carrying out New Year's Eve celebrations," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Friday, December 29.

According to him, only the use of fireworks is allowed when celebrating New Year's Eve. Even then, on condition of obtaining a permit.

The context of the permit in question is regarding the crowd of activities in which there is an application for the use of fireworks.

"What is permitted is fireworks, but the use must also be asked for permission because you have to see the locations of whether these places allow fireworks to be carried out," he said.

"So, for example, there are activities, the committee must ask for permission, there must be crowd permits and permits for the use of fireworks itself," continued Ramadhan.

Previously, Polda Metro Jaya also forbade the public not to convoy in celebrating the turn of 2024. Because, it can potentially friction between groups that cause conflict.

"Not for convoys or processions, because it can interfere with the interests of other people and will certainly cause friction of the conflict when they are in one place when they meet," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko.

The public is also asked not to take certain actions that could disrupt security and order.

Thus, all entertainment activities in the celebration of New Year's Eve can run well and be enjoyed by the whole community.

"So the hope is to protect each other's conduciveness, not convoys, then not procession and then also avoid actions that can cause potential disturbances in public security and order," said Trunoyudo.

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