JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received an alliance of village heads (kades) across associations at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Friday, December 29.

Secretary General (Sekjen) of the DPP Association of Indonesian Village Government Apparatus (Papdesi) Senthot Rudi Prastiono said his party's arrival was to discuss developments in the revision of the Village Law (UU).

"We met with the President (Jokowi) regarding the revision of the Village Law, Number 6 of 2014. We want to ask him directly how the developments related to the revision of the law are," he said at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Friday, December 29, which was confiscated by Antara.

Senthot said that apart from Papdesi, the associations present at the meeting were the Village Head Association (AKD) throughout East Java and the All-Indonesian Village Government Association (Apdesi).

During the meeting, he continued, Jokowi said that the revision of the Village Law was already in parliament. Senthot also hopes that after the recess period ends, revisions can be ratified immediately.

"His aspirations will be ratified immediately, it has been discussed in Baleg (DPR Legislation Agency) and in the Government it has been discussed, a letter from the president has also been issued," he said.

Furthermore, during the meeting, Senthot and his entourage admitted that they did not discuss political issues with Jokowi at all. What is in the interest of the village head regarding politics, he said, is that the election runs peacefully down to the village level.

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