PeKANBARU - Riau Provincial Government distributed food logistics and second-stage equipment assistance for flood victims in Rokan Hulu (Rohul) Regency, to meet their needs.

"We are currently distributing the second phase of logistical assistance for flood victims in Rohul because there is a request from the local BPBD, while the request for assistance for the same stage of the first phase has been distributed on December 20, 2023," said the Head of the Implementing Agency for Regional Disaster Management (BPBD) Riau Province, M Edy Afrizal, in Pekanbaru, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 28.

According to Edy, the distribution of the second phase of logistical assistance for victims of the Rohul flood disaster was 100 kilograms of sugar, 100 cans of sardines, 100 sheets of blankets, 100 sheets of sarongs, 100 sheets of goodie bags, 408 pcs of liquid soap, 432 pcs of stem soap, and 20 sheets of mattresses.

In addition, 500 kilograms of rice assistance was also assisted by the Riau National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas).

The first phase of logistical assistance in Rohul included 100 kilograms of sugar, 96 cans of sardines, 48 liters of cooking oil, 100 sheets of blankets, 100 sheets of sarong, a 100 sheet goodie bag, 408 pcs of liquid soap, and 432 pcs of stem soap.

"According to the direction of the Governor and the Riau Regional Secretary, we are ready to distribute aid to flood victims as long as there is a letter of request," he said.

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