Fragile, Angsana Tree 15 Meters High In Kampung Rambutan Suddenly Falls
Fallen Tree In West Jakarta/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - A guest tree suddenly fell, closing the Bungur Raya Road, RT 16/06, Kampung Rambutan Village, Ciracas District, East Jakarta.

"The tree is 25 centimeters in diameter with a height of 15 meters. The cause of the fall is because trees have been fragile," said Head of the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman when confirmed, Thursday, December 28.

The incident was reported by residents to the nearest fire department post when they found out that a tree had fallen. The incident began to be discovered by local residents who were at the kamling 10 post.

"He suddenly heard the sound of a tree collapsing, after checking it turned out that a fallen tree blocked the road and hit the house on the fence," he said.

Luckily there were no casualties as a result of the fallen tree. Meanwhile, trees only hit the front of the residents' houses.

"For safe houses and no casualties. For tree evacuation, 4 rescue personnel were carried out. The evacuation was carried out for about 60 minutes," he said.

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