JAKARTA- The Cultural Discussion entitled "Indonesia at the Intersection of History" presents various critical thoughts regarding the current state of history and culture.

The event which took place at the Bulungan Presidential Stall (Wapres), South Jakarta, on Wednesday, December 27, discussed the problems facing Indonesia.

The discussion, which was attended by poet Isti Nugroho, Culturalist Dr. Zastrouw Al Ngatawi, and moderated by poet Amin Kamil, highlighted the lack of historical understanding among the younger generation. Isti Nugroho expressed his view that Indonesia is now not only at a milestone, but has been immersed in historical twists since the times before and after independence until 1965.

Highlighting changes in Indonesia's political direction, Nugroho reminded that in 1965, Indonesia was at an intersection, choosing a direction to the West. According to him, this is a crucial momentum that affects the development of the nation. The political narrative conveyed by political figures, especially ahead of the 2024 General Election, is considered by Nugroho not to provide a strong idea for Indonesia's progress.

A real example was conveyed by Nugroho regarding the promise of Presidential Candidate and Vice Presidential Candidate Prabowo - Gibran who planned to provide free lunch with a large budget.

He questioned the sustainability and positive impact of the policy, assessing that the idea was not comparable to the magnitude of the budget issued.

"Like the Prabowo - Gibran pair's promise to provide free lunch, with a budget of IDR 450 trillion. What is it for? What will be produced with a 450 trillion meal? People outside have already talked about ideas for the advancement of world civilization, here still talking about feeding! It's not an extraordinary idea., "said Isti Nugroho.

Al Zastouw Ngatawi added another dimension by observing the shortcomings of the younger generation towards history. According to him, the lack of attraction to history is caused by the inability to communicate with the younger generation.

He criticized the parents' approach that relies too much on barrier walls to block liberal culture, such as Islamic Sharia, pornography laws, and others.

"It is better for us to increase cultural immunization, not by prohibiting it. Any high wall will break. Instead of being tired of building walls, why don't we teach the children to swim, to be more creative. If they can swim, they can save themselves," said Al Zastrouw.

Furthermore, Al Zastrouw proposed a more positive approach by increasing cultural immunization without prohibiting it. He emphasized the importance of providing skills to children, to foster creativity and independence. Al Zastrouw also questioned historical relevance to current education, which tends to focus on cognitive aspects.

In facing these challenges, this Cultural Discussion tries to open a discourse on how to educate the younger generation, take care of history, and build ideas that can lead Indonesia to a better future.

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