JAKARTA - Presidential candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto invites Muslims as majority not to be easily provoked and divided, especially during the political year approaching the 2024 presidential election.

"Muslims are the largest, majority in Indonesia, and one of the largest in the world, because their greatness is that Muslims must be more vigilant, wiser, smarter, superior, more united, more united, more diligent, disciplined, then Indonesia will rise," said Prabowo during the declaration. Gempita supports Prabowo-Gibran in Bandung, West Java (West Java), Wednesday, December 27, confiscated by Antara.

He emphasized that anyone must work together to prevent the action of fighting against each other.

"We must not allow it to return, we are easily provoked, easily pitted against sheep because of our greatness, our wealth," said Prabowo.

Prabowo also invited all to unite, especially for the elite. According to him, the key to unity is when the elites unite.

The key, is, can the Indonesian elite, Indonesian leaders work together? Can it get together? Can it unite, because today, I have great respect for those who founded Gempita, there are words that unite. Unity is the words of love for the country. This is the key, the key to the revival of the Indonesian nation, unity, love for the country," said Prabowo.

At the same location, Prabowo continued to remind the public not to be careless, because maintaining unity and independence is not easy.

"Therefore, this independence must also be maintained by all Indonesian people. Let's learn history, we are hundreds of years, we are always divided, always divided because we are a rich nation," he concluded.

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