SOUTH SUMATRA - Immigration Office Officer Class I Immigration Checkpoint (TPI) Palembang, South Sumatra (Sumsel) noted that throughout 2023, four foreign nationals (WNA) had taken action to forcibly repatriate (deportation).

"The number of foreigners who were deported in 2023 decreased compared to seven people in the previous year," said Head of the Palembang TPI Class I Immigration Office Mohammad Ridwan in Palembang, Wednesday, December 27, which was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that the four foreigners who were deported this year were three Turks and one Dutch.

The deportation of foreign nationals was carried out on April 13 and December 13, 2023 by air from Palembang transiting in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, seven foreigners were deported in 2022, namely one citizen of the People's Republic of China, South Korea, Turkey, and Thai citizens as well as three Malaysian citizens.

The foreign national was deported because he was proven to have violated Article 122 letter A in conjunction with Article 75 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) and (2) letters a, b, d, and f of Law No.6 of 2011 concerning Immigration.

Based on the immigration rules, every foreigner who deliberately misuses or carries out activities that are not in accordance with the intent and purpose of granting the residence permit given to him will be subject to sanctions for immigration administrative action (TAK).

In accordance with this regulation, Immigration officials are authorized to do NOT TO foreigners who are in Indonesian territory who carry out dangerous activities and should be suspected of endangering security and public order or not respecting / disobeying statutory regulations.

Immigration administrative actions as referred to in paragraph (1) can be included in the prevention or deterrence list.

"Restrictions, changes, or cancellations of residence permits, prohibits them from being in one or more certain places in Indonesian territory, imposition of costs and/or deportations from Indonesian territory," said Ridwan.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Regional Office of the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ilham Djaya, emphasized that the deportation activity was a real commitment between his party and his staff in enforcing immigration law.

"Every foreigner who is in Indonesian territory must obey the law, for those who are proven to have violated the law, they will certainly be given strict action such as deportations made to the Dutch," he said.

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