TANGERANG - Police arrested a man with the initials SH suspected of stabbing a debt collector or debt collector named Dodanim Mikdon Lado.

Kapolsek Pasar Kemis, AKP Ucu Nuryandi said the stabbing was carried out when the debt collector was collecting SH at Ruko Pondok Rejeki, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, Tuesday, December 19, at around 11.00 WIB.

"The victim was stabbed with a machete by the suspect SA," Ucu told reporters at the Tangerang Police, Tuesday, December 26.

Ucu explained that this incident started when Dodanim and his fellow debt collectors intended to collect SA, who was in arrears in motorcycle installments for two months.

When the debt collectors met SH, the quarrel was inevitable. SH, who took a machete, left Dodanim injured.

Seeing that the debt collector was stabbed, SH fled. Dodanim was then taken to the hospital for treatment.

After his condition improved, Dodanim made a report on the incident he experienced to the Pasar Kemis Police.

"With this incident, the Pasar Kemis opsnal team and the Tangerang Police Satreskrim then conducted an investigation and succeeded in making arrests in the Sukabumi area, West Java on December 24, 2023," he said.

SH has been named a suspect and detained at the Pasar Kemis Police. For his actions, SH was charged with Article 351 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of 5 years in prison

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