JAKARTA - The Class II B Donggala State Detention Center (Rutan), i. Central Sulawesi, provides a reduction in the criminal period or special remission of Christmas Day in 2023 for 21 inmates. "The convicts of the Donggala Detention Center who received general remission were 21 people this year, all of whom received RK I," said Head of the Donggala Suwandi Detention Center in Donggala Regency, quoted by Antara, Tuesday.

He said the granting of Christmas remissions is the right of prisoners who have met administrative and substantive requirements according to statutory regulations. Remission is given to Christian prisoners who have met the requirements, such as good behavior and have served a minimum coaching period of six months. 17 inmates received a reduced sentence or one month remission, and four people received 15 days remission.

"Ini adalah suatu penghargaan atau motivasi agar selama menjalani masa pembinaannya tidak melanggar ketentuan, sehingga memudahkan para napi untuk mendapat remisi," ujarnya.Untuk itu, dia berharap warga binaan yang mendapatkan remisi dapat menerapkan nilai-nilai norma hukum yang didapatkan saat menjalani pembinaan, dan mengimplementasikan itu ketika kembali ke tengah-tengah masyarakat."Kami berharap warga binaan bisa berkomitmen untuk tidak membuat pelanggaran hukum ketika kembali ke masyarakat," katanya.

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