BANTEN - Chairman of the Banten DPRD Andra Soni asked for help from the National Campaign Team (TKN) of young voters (Fanta) Prabowo-Gibran to win candidate pair number 2 winning one round.

Andra said the strengthening of bases in Banten was mainly young voters to win the Prabowo-Gibran one round because Banten voters had unique characteristics.

"Banten voters have unique characteristics. The communication pattern that we build reaches the grassroots. But we need reinforcement on the basis of young voters, therefore it needs support from TKN Fanta so that young voters in Serang Banten can fully win Prabowo-Gibran one round," said Andra in his official statement, Monday, December 25.

The commander of TKN Fanta Prabowo-Gibran, Arief Rosyid Hasan welcomed the invitation to the collaboration. Arief wants to bring economic issues to the Cilegon region, by activation the Fanta Syariah cluster considering the religious Banten base.

"With the characteristics of Banten being religious, we may be able to bring about the economic issues of the people by activation the Fanta Syariah cluster in the Cilegon area," said Arief.

Arief committed to winning the Prabowo-Gibran one round, and pushed as many young legislative candidates as possible to sit in parliament.

The young voter (Fanta) Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN) has established a gathering on the sidelines of the young voter roadshow agenda to Banten province.

The Banten TKD management, Bahrul Ulum added, will target Prabowo-Gibran's victory in Banten of 60 percent.

"Referring to the previous two contests, 2014 won 57 percent, and 2019 won 61 percent. Banten is home to Prabowo supporters," said Bahrul.

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