JAKARTA - Christians have just celebrated Christmas. As a country with the majority of its population being Muslim, Indonesia provides holidays for people who commemorate Christmas. It turns out that not only in Indonesia, several other countries with the majority of Muslims also provide good examples of tolerance. Here's the list and traditions.
The first is Indonesia, a country that has a population of 274 million people, around 231 million people are Muslims. However, Indonesia still respects and commemorates other religious holidays, such as the Christmas tradition that has been preserved until now there is a Rabo-rabo tradition in Jakarta, Wayang Wahyu Jogjakarta, Ngejot and Penjor in Bali, Marbinda and Marhobas in North Sumatra, Bamboo Cannons in Flores and Kunci Taon in North Sulawesi.
The second is Pakistan, a country with a population of 243 million people, and 212 million people are Muslims. Christians in Pakistan have Christmas traditions every year such as Christmas carol from house to house, wearing colorful clothes to go to church, and spending time in church to eat with other Christians.
The third is Saudi Arabia, a country with a population of 37 million people, 34.5 million of whom are Muslim populations. In Saudi Arabia, Christmas is not a national holiday. However, Christmas ornaments and decorations still exist in every hotel and mall that operates, so the Christmas atmosphere still feels warm there.
The fourth is Egypt, a central eastern country that has a population of 113 million people, and about 90 million people are Muslim. Slightly different from most other Christians, in Egypt Christmas Eve is celebrated on January 6 and Christmas celebrations on January 7th. In addition, they also have fasts that do not eat those from animals, including milk and eggs from November 25 to January 6.
And finally Iran, a country with a population of 89.5 million, with a population of 82.5 million Muslims. Iran also continues to have Christmas traditions every year, and commemorates Christmas on 6 and 7 January such as Egypt. Christians, on Christmas Day, will return to their homes to celebrate Christmas while eating several types of fruits such as pomegranates and watermelons. Watch the full video below.
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