Completion Of Stunting And Empowerment Of MSMEs Is Prabowo-Gibran's Strategic Program For Women
Prabowo and Gibran (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - Candidate Pair (Paslon) number 2 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka focuses on completing stunting and empowering MSMEs. These two issues will become a strategic program for women.

The Commander of the National Campaign Team (TKN) for young female cluster voters (Pink Fanta) Prabowo-Gibran, Suci Suaeb Saenong, said that the current stunting prevention is still not optimal. This includes MSME developers.

"Indonesia's lack is about preventing stunting which has not been maximized. Then, the investment that enters Indonesia has an impact on us MSME actors in the regions. And this is what Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran promised to continue," said Suci in the Talk Show Pink Fanta at the TKN Headquarters. Fanta HQ, Jakarta, Sunday, December 24.

Suci said that the stunting prevention program brought by Prabowo-Gibran was in the form of providing nutrition for pregnant women to providing free lunch and milk for school students and students.

Furthermore, Suci said that the free food and milk will be purchased from MSMEs in areas that make the location of the program. That way, continued Suci, this step will also have a positive impact on women and MSME actors.

"It has a huge impact because it is a local product and will be purchased, milk, eggs, it is purchased from MSMEs in the area. It must be that stalls sell well, and that is what is greatly helped in the regions. It's not just about MSMEs, but public health is guaranteed," said Suci.

Suci said Indonesia's success in preparing the golden generation was in the hands of women. The reason is, from the womb of women, children receive their first education.

"We know that female voters are bigger than male voters in Indonesia. The programs to support women are also in candidate pair number 2. This is what we emphasize to women in Indonesia that choosing candidates who prioritize women," said Suci.

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