JAKARTA - The vice presidential candidate number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka admitted that he was confident in the 2024 election vice presidential debate last night. Because according to him, he is the only vice presidential candidate who has experience participating in the General Elections Commission (KPU) debate during the election of the Mayor of Solo.

"Ladies and gentlemen, on that stage, people, of the three contestants who took part in the KPU debate, I was only the mayor," said Gibran while attending the Prabowo-Gibran Regional Campaign Team (TKD) Prabowo-Gibran North Sulawesi Christmas Celebration Hall, North Minahasa Regency, Saturday, December 23.

In his press statement, Gibran called on supporters not to worry about his appearance during the debate. According to him, the various negative sentiments that developed on social media were attempts to frame or framing that were deliberately carried out to knock him down.

"I already understand the format, the tricks, how to refute, how to answer, how to ask. Ladies and gentlemen, there is no need to be afraid. So all of them are media framing," said the Mayor of Solo.

Furthermore, Gibran also highlighted the various results of the electability survey of candidate pairs and vice presidential candidates contesting the 2024 presidential election. Although several survey results stated that the electability of candidate pair number 2 Prabowo-Gibran was the highest, Gibran called on his supporters to keep working hard.

"Ladies and gentlemen, keep working hard, don't be lulled, don't be complacent with the survey results above 50 percent, above 46 percent, we must continue to work hard," said Gibran to his 7,000 supporters who attended the event.

Furthermore, Gibran emphasized that he and Presidential Candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto will continue the current programs. Not only that, he emphasized that he would perfect and strengthen the various programs that have been initiated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at this time.

"What is clear is that Pak Prabowo and I will continue to perfect the existing programs, nothing has been deleted, we will strengthen everything and we will perfect them, especially for development equity issues that are no longer Java-centric," he concluded.

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