JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin reminded that knowledge is just a tool, which if it is in the hands of people with dirty hearts, can be dangerous.

This was conveyed by the Vice President in his remarks during the Inauguration and Working Meeting of the Nahdlatul Ulama Bachelors Association (ISNU) in Surabaya, East Java, Saturday, as witnessed online from Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, December 23.

"The science is just a tool. Well, the important thing is that those who have knowledge must have a clean soul. If the soul is dirty, knowledge can be abused and the dangers caused by people who have knowledge, but their hearts are dirty, the danger is greater," said the vice president.

The vice president said that Nahdlatul Ulama as a large organization has a big responsibility in terms of public, national and humanitarian, including to contribute to creating human resources that are knowledgeable but clean-hearted.

On the other hand, the Vice President emphasized that the Nahdlatul Ulama Bachelors Association (ISNU) must be able to continue to be the strength of NU in creating sustainable improvements in the knowledgeable and clean-hearted human resource sector.

On this occasion, the Vice President also reminded that NU's responsibility is not only for the people and nation, but also for the world. This is reflected in the symbol of Nahdlatul Ulama, namely the world wrapped by mines.

According to the Vice President, the NU symbol shows that the concept of NU's framework is not only for the people and nation, but also for the world or globally.

Ma'ruf Amin said there were several major global challenges faced by the nation, namely war, climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic that had not yet fully ended, to the rapid advancement of technology and the use of artificial intelligence which must be balanced with effective policies.

"This is a problem that we are facing. The main capital to answer the problem is that human resources are capable. NU must take a role here because NU is a large organization and has a big responsibility, both public, national, and humanitarian," he explained.

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