JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Meutya Hafid, dismissed the issue of party deposits related to the recruitment of diplomats such as the so-called Vice Presidential Candidate number 3, Mahfud MD in the second debate held by the KPU last night. According to him, it is natural if there are diplomats who are elected from non-diplomats.

"The recruitment system for the ambassador position is understood that it has been carried out for a long time since the ambassador, apart from being filled by diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has also been filled with non-study career diplomats such as senior journalists, academics, businessmen, politicians. Adam Malik, Ali Sastroamidjojo also has a political background," Meutya said in her statement, Saturday, December 23.

"For the current example, there is Tantowi Yahya, our former ambassador in New Zealand, Heri Akhmadi, our Ambassador in Japan, Lena Maryana in Kuwait, all of whom were appointed by the President because they were considered competent, and were given considerations by the DPR," he continued.

In this case, continued Meutya, the DPR gave considerations for the appointment by the president. So far, he said, the ambassador was chosen to carry out his duties well. This is evident from the voice of the Indonesian representative at the United Nations who often reap praise.

"The ambassador was appointed by the President and if he reflected on Indonesia's role in both the United Nations, the G20, APEC, Asean and others, the appointed ambassadors managed to show their good performance," said Meutya.

"In my opinion, the performance of our representatives in LN and international institutions has not decreased, it has actually increased well. At the United Nations, Indonesia has repeatedly been appointed either at the security or human rights council. Indonesia's voice at the United Nations is known to be loud and firm to support Palestine and other isyu," added the North Sumatra electoral district Golkar legislator.

The Golkar Party faction politician also said that Indonesia won the trust of ASEAN chairmanship. In addition, he also mentioned the success of the G20 to APEC.

"In ASEAN, the chairmanship is currently gaining the trust. Hosts are large and strategic meetings after the G20, almost all countries except Russia are present in Bali. Not to mention APEC and others. Indonesia's loud voice in the European Union is for downstreaming. Those are all part of the work of our representatives at the LN, so it's not true that our diplomacy has decreased," he concluded.

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