MEDAN - The police arrested a man with the initials S (38), a resident of Medan Perjuangan, Medan City. This motorized pedicab (bentor) driver molested his 5 biological daughters.

The perpetrator has committed obscenity against his 5 biological daughters who are still underage since October 2020.

The Head of the Protection for Women and Children (PP) AKP M Ginting explained that this incident was revealed after the victims with the initials N and VL told the incident that happened to their biological mother with the initials A (38).

"Between the suspect S and his wife A, the household was not harmonious and often quarreled until finally his wife left the house and chose to live in the Marelan area", said Ginting, Friday, February 19.

From the examination, it was found that the last obscene act was committed on January 8 in the living room of the house. Due to the confession of the child who was molested, the perpetrator's wife reported to the Medan Police.

"After we examined the victim and the results of the post mortem were supportive, finally on February 18, 2021, the suspect was arrested at his house", continued Ginting.

During the interrogation, S admitted that he only molested one of his biological daughters. Meanwhile, the results of the post mortem, his five biological daughters, confirmed the suspicion of sexual immorality.

The suspect was charged under Article 82 paragraph 1 and 2 of Law Number 35 the Year 2014 concerning Child Protection with the threat of 15 years in prison.

"Because it was carried out by his biological father, the sentence was added by one third. We will also include Presidential Decree Number 70 of 2020 concerning Castration", said AKP Ginting.

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