Pati City Police, Central Java, arrested SW (36), a resident of Raci Village, Batangan District, Pati, for allegedly embezzling money belonging to a company engaged in LPG services worth Rp519.22 million.

"The reporter for the alleged embezzlement of company money to the police from the leadership of PT Rara Dian Puspita, Hartatik (56) who reported the perpetrator with the initials SW for alleged embezzlement of hundreds of millions of rupiah which should have been deposited into the company," said Head of Police Pati Kombes Andhika Bayu Adhittama through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Kompol Onkoseno Grandiarso Sukahar in Pati as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 21.

The chronology of the incident, he said, began on November 9, 2023, when the perpetrator came to the complainant's house in Raci Village and made a statement and admitted to embezzling money that should have been handed over to the complainant every month.

The money received by the company in November 2023 from five Elpiji Bulk Filling Stations (SPBE) totaled Rp1.1 billion.

Of that amount of money, he said, the expenditure was still reduced by Rp586 million for the purchase of a gas station dispenser pump and the purchase of ATG (Automatic Tank Gaugging) equipment, so there was still Rp519.22 million remaining.

"The remaining money should have been handed over to the complainant on the 5th to the maximum date of November 10, 2023. It turned out that it was not handed over," he said.

So far, he said, the collection of fill-in fees from PT Pertamina every month at the bank according to the account book from PT Rara Dian Puspita for SPBE services engaged in LPG services was handed over to the suspect.

The police finally arrested the perpetrator and secured a number of evidences in the form of BRI's account book on behalf of PT Rara Dian Puspita, letter invoice number 10 Pt.Rdp Ff 092023, dated October 11, 2023 and the date of disbursement of Pertamina on October 30, 2023, as well as work agreement documents, employee appointment letters dated April 1, 2020.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 374 of the Criminal Code related to criminal acts of embezzlement in office with a maximum prison sentence of five years.

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