The General Election Commission (KPU) has evaluated the first 2024 presidential election debate specifically for presidential candidates and finalized the preparation for the second debate specifically for vice presidential candidates.

KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari explained that one of his evaluations, namely the third team of presidential and vice-presidential candidates, promised to prevent any actions that could potentially provoke the course of the debate.

This follows up on the incident when the vice presidential candidate number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka collaborated with the audience of the inaugural debate by swinging their hands as a sign of an invitation from the audience to be more bouh after the explanation of the presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto regarding the Constitutional Court's decision.

"The things that we agreed on, then the situation in the debate area affected situationally, we also discussed the psychology of each party and agreed. So that the things that were mutually agreed upon were not done again and so that they were kept," said Hasyim at the KPU office, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 21.

In fact, said Hasyim, the KPU had reprimanded the candidate pair team number 2 in the aftermath of Gibran's actions.

"Yesterday's situation, we have also conveyed something that is approximately considered disordered as an evaluation. We give a warning so that the things called election neutrality are fulfilled and not repeated," he said.

The second debate on Friday will be held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). The event will be attended by three vice presidential candidates, each Muhaimin Iskandar, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, and Mahfud MD.

The themes that will be carried out in the second debate specifically for the vice presidential candidate are the people's economy, the digital economy, finance, tax investment, trade, APBN/APBD management, infrastructure, and urban areas.

In contrast to the presidential candidate debate, the KPU vice presidential candidate plans to provide a podium. The existence of the podium is a follow-up to the evaluation carried out on the previous presidential candidate debate. As is known, in the previous presidential candidate debate there was no podium until it became the spotlight not only from the community but from each candidate team.

Like the previous presidential candidate debate, the duration of the vice presidential debate is also not much different, namely 150 minutes. While the special duration of the debate is 120 minutes consisting of 6 segments.

The KPU ensures that the vice presidential debate format will not change from the presidential candidate format which will be held on Tuesday, December 12, 2023. - Segment 1, the vice presidential candidate will convey the vision and mission and work programs of each participant. - Segmen 2 and 3 cawapres will answer a number of questions that have been compiled by the previous panelist, and questions will be submitted by the moderator. - Segmen 4 and 5 are filled with questions from each vice presidential candidate to another cawapres. In addition, each vice presidential candidate will also be given the opportunity to answer the questions asked. - Segment 6 is filled with collossing statements or the last statement.

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