The famous cleric Miftah Maulana Habiburrohman or Gus Miftah denied giving a sum of money to Islamic boarding schools, so as not to choose the Anies-Muhaimin (Amin) pair in the 2024 election.

"I'm not the one who enveloped Abah Kirun, instead I was the one who was enveloped by the committee. A deposit for the foundation to be given to the boarding school children," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 21.

This was conveyed by Gus Miftah in response to the circulation of a video with the title 'Miftah caught wet, allegedly wanting to bribe to the pesantren to support the presidential candidate 02, the envelope was returned' by one of the Youtube accounts.

Seen in the video, famous priyayi from East Java, Abah Kirun returned the envelope to Gus Miftah. Not only that, the video also says that Gus Miftah gave money so that the kiai or religious leaders who attended did not support the number 1, Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN) pairs.

Gus Miftah felt slandered by the Yotube account, even though in his meeting with Abah Kirun, it happened on November 2 in Hilalam Gajah, Demak Regency during a recitation event. The recitation event was attended by Abah Kirun as a guest star and Gus Miftah as a lecturer.

"It's not that I enveloped Abah Kirun, I WA-an with Abah Kirun laughed," he said.

Gus Miftah also uploaded on his Instagram account @gusmiftah, giving time for the owner of the Indonesianna News TV Youtube account to show good intentions.

Untuk Anda akun Youtube INDONESIA NewS TV, fitnah Anda sudah melenggar dan melampaui batas. Saya menunggu niat baiknya atau dengan terpaksa saya saya melati jalur hukum, tulis Gus Miftah diakun Instagramnya.

Previously, Gus Miftah was also slandered by saying Anies Baswedan was unethical.

"Even though I never said that, I chatted with Anies Ketawa-ketawa," said Mas Anies as usual for political affairs," said Gus Miftah.

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