JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the National Team for the Winning of Anies-Muhaimin (AMINAn National Team) Billy David Neututumelina responded to the nominal fund for the initial campaign of the presidential-vice presidential candidate pair Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar which was the smallest compared to other candidate pairs.

In the initial report, Anies-Cak Imin's campaign fund (LADK) only had initial campaign funds of Rp. 1 billion. Meanwhile, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka amounted to Rp31.43 billion, and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD Rp23.32 billion.

According to Billy, the nominal value of the presidential and vice-presidential campaign funds reported to the General Elections Commission (KPU) will definitely increase along with the campaign period.

"If the campaign funds develop, I think the figure will definitely change, it is impossible until the end. We are optimistic that the figure cannot be Rp. 1 billion," said Billy at the AMIN Winning House, Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, December 20.

Billy believes that many supporters and sympathizers of the presidential and vice presidential candidates of the Change Coalition will later make donations for campaign activities.

"It can be assumed that there is sincere support from the grassroots, from sympathizers who will support Amin to make donations. I think the biggest contribution is not the value of the rupiah, but volunteers in the regions," explained Billy.

Billy explained, so far there has been a commitment to income campaign funds, be it sourced from political participation or coalition combinations, to external donations from individuals, groups, and business entities.

"Some of the conversations that have been carried out in the national team, of course there are commitments, there are political parties, there are also people whose background is as entrepreneurs, political party people are business people," said Billy.

"We hope that later it will be opened to the public and all public as well as the KPU and everyone can supervise the source of funding or the source of campaign use," said Billy.

For information, the KPU released the initial report of the campaign funds (LADK) for the three presidential and vice-presidential candidates for the 2024 General Election on the infopemilu.go.id page. The initial funds for the Anies-Cak Imin campaign amounted to IDR 1 billion. The funds only came from the presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

Then, the initial funds for the Prabowo-Gibran campaign were recorded at the largest, namely Rp31.43 billion. The source of the funds, amounting to Rp2 billion from candidate pairs, Rp600 million from political parties or coalitions of political parties in the form of goods, and Rp28.84 billion from a combination of political parties in the form of services.

Meanwhile, the initial funds for the Ganjar-Mahfud campaign amounted to Rp. 23.32 billion. The nominal consists of a candidate pair of Rp. 100 million in the form of money. Then, there is also a source from a political party or a combination of political parties in the form of money worth Rp. 2.95 billion, as well as donations from other parties individually in the form of Rp. 1.6 million.

Ganjar-Mahfud also received donations from other companies and/or non-governmental enterprises worth IDR 20.32 billion.

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