JAKARTA - Police Commissioner Yuni Purwanti Kusuma Dewi is waiting for the punishment that will be given by the Police for drug cases. For the time being, she was sanctioned by removing her position as Police Chief Astana Anyar.

The sanction that can be given to her is the death penalty. This is because General (Purn) Idham Azis, when he was the National Police Chief, had emphasized that he would give heavy penalties for members involved in drugs.

The reason for imposing sanctions is because as the security apparatus, the police already know the rules. So, no one should violate it.

"Well, if the police are the ones who get on drugs, the punishment should be the actual death penalty, because they already know the law, they know the law. Like that", General Idham Azis said at Polda Metro Jaya, Thursday, July 2, 2020.

However, the Police have not been able to implement the message from Idham Azis. Because, there are still many things that must be considered when giving sanctions for the Kompol Yuni case.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that sanctions must see a person's involvement in a case. So, in the case of Kompol Yuni Purwanti, her role and involvement are still being sought.

"We have to look at the legal facts in the field from the case. Is it only the user, did they follow suit, did the dealer. All need further investigation by the investigator", said Argo when confirmed, Thursday, February 18.

So far, Police Commissioner (Kompol)  Yuni's case has been handled by the Professional and Security (Propam) Police Headquarters. When it was discovered that Kompol Yuni's role, she would be firmly sanctioned. In addition, this strict sanction will be a lesson for other Police members.

"Internal prevention and firm action if there is a mistake", he said.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Ahmad Ramadhan, said that imposing sanctions cannot just happen. There are several things that must be considered, for example the track record of the former police chief of Astana Anyar during his service as a member of the National Police.

"Every member of the National Police certainly has achievements, how many years has she served, was she 20 years in service. Then did he never commit a violation, then what kind of violation did she commit? Is she only a new user? concerned how", he said.

"This is the consideration and policy of the decision by the National Police to give punishment to those concerned", he continued.

So far, the sanctions that have been given have only been dismissal. The removal is based on Secret Telegram Letter (STR) number 267/II/KEP./2021 dated February 17, 2021.

The removal was carried out because in the urine examination, Kompol Yuni tested positive for drugs.

"Kompol YP and 11 of its members are currently in the West Java Police Propam bid examination and a urine test has been conducted on the person concerned and the results are positive", he said

While on a different occasion, West Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Dofiri emphasized that her party would impose sanctions. However, witnesses were given after her party conducted an examination.

"Yes, it is clear, so there are two choices, dismissal or criminalized. So it is very clear that our actions against our members who commit violations. Yes, it can be both, depending on the mistakes later, we'll see", said Ahmad Dofiri.

According to him, this was implemented as a form of his seriousness in taking action against any member who commits an offense, including this middle ranking female police officer.

For information, Kompol Yuni Purwanti was secured by the West Java Regional Police for Professional and Security Affairs, on Tuesday, February 16. She was secured with 11 members for being involved in a drug party.

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