The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Medan District Attorney (Kejari) Novalita Endang Suryani Siahaan has demanded the death of the defendant Agus Rudiansyah and the defendant Juanda, an Acehnese in the case of being couriers of marijuana-type narcotics weighing 133 kilograms.

"Two defendants have been legally and convincingly fulfilled in violation of Article 114 paragraph (2) in conjunction with 132 paragraph (1) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics," Novalita said at the Medan District Court as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 19.

He said that in essence, the two defendants attempted or argued maliciously without rights or against the law offered to sell, sell, buy, accept, become intermediaries in buying and selling, exchanging, or handing over narcotics class I in the form of plants weighing more than one kilogram, namely 133 kilograms.

"The thing that burdens the two defendants does not support the government's program that is actively eradicating drugs," said Novalita.

While mitigating things, he said the two defendants admitted and regretted their actions and had never been punished.

After reading the memorandum of demand from the public prosecutor, the panel of judges chaired by Martua Sagala continued the trial with the agenda of defense (pledoi) from the defendant and legal advisers scheduled for January 9, 2024.

The indictment revealed that on Friday, July 28, 2023, the defendants Agus Rudiansyah and Juanda were at Ranto Kuala Simpang, Aceh Tamiang.

Then the two defendants were contacted by Sahidul Amri alias Aris (investigation) to pick up 133 kilograms of marijuana in East Aceh to be brought to Medan.

Arriving in Medan, the two defendants were arrested by police officers who previously had reports from the public regarding the circulation of marijuana.

Furthermore, the two defendants admitted that the items were ordered by Amri to his home address on Jalan Flamboyan Medan.

At that place, police personnel found 118 packs of dried marijuana leaves. All evidence is 133 kilograms of marijuana. Then the defendant was taken to the Medan Polrestabes for further questioning.

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