JAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency did not impose sanctions on Gibran Rakabuming Raka regarding the activities of the second-number vice presidential candidate distributing milk during Car Free Day in Jakarta because he did not find evidence of violating campaign rules.
"The follow-up results state that there is not enough evidence in the involvement of children," said Bawaslu Chairman Rahmat Bagja as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 19.
Bagja stated that the results were officially issued after reports related to the campaigning case at the Car Free Day arena on Sunday (3/12) in Jakarta involving children were followed up by the Integrated Law Enforcement Center (GAKKUMDU Center).
In this result, it was stated that Gibran's activities did not fulfill the element of election crime so that it was not a criminal violation of the election. However, Bawaslu also conducted further investigations regarding potential violations of other laws and regulations.
Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the Puadi Bawaslu Violation Handling Division, said that Bawaslu could not directly impose sanctions on election participants because they had to conduct a thorough assessment and examination.
If complaints from the public in the form of photos or videos are proven to meet the elements of election crimes and violate the rules, then Bawaslu will take action in accordance with the applicable authorities and laws.
Where the action flow starts from identifying the place and time of the incident, clarifying the reported party to lowering ranks to conduct an investigation in the field.
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Previously, Gibran Rakabuming Raka distributed free milk to the community around the HI Roundabout Area, Jakarta on Sunday (3/12).
This was considered by a number of parties as a violation, because the Mayor of Solo seemed to socialize his flagship program with Prabowo Subianto during the Motor Vehicle Free Day.
The response was then dismissed by Gibran who stated that the activity was only to greet the people in places where many people visited.
"It's without the Campaign Performance Tool (APK). We don't call for voting or anything, right," said Gibran.
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