Agam Resort Police, West Sumatra, arrested two farmers in Jorong Piandar Hamlet, Nagari Ampek Koto Palembayan, Palembayan District for allegedly growing five cannabis stalks on his banana plantation. Agam Police Chief AKBP Muhammad Agus Hidayat said the two suspects had the initials DM (35) and BH (44). "The two suspects planted five cannabis stalks in burlap which were given soil and stored around their banana gardens," said Agus Hidayat accompanied by Palembayan Police Chief Iptu Alwizi Safriadi in Lubuk Basung, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, December 18. According to him, the suspect was arrested on Friday, December 15 at around 17.15 WIB. Currently, it can only be published because there was an earlier case development. He said the two suspects were arrested when a joint team conducted a search for missing persons in Jorong Piandang Hamlet, Nagari Ampek Koto Palembayan. Looking for victims, Wali Nagari Sungai Puar Yulifsoneri saw the cannabis plant at the location of the banana plantation. "Wali Nagari Sungai Puar informed Brigadier Ardi Yuratama about the findings of the cannabis plant," he said. He added that the findings were immediately investigated regarding who owns the cannabis plant at the location and the owner found it. After that, the case was developed and evidence was found in the form of dried marijuana leaves as much as a jar, cannabis stems that had been harvested and others. "The two were secured to the Palembayan Police along with evidence and after being taken to the Agam Police," he said.
For his actions, the suspect was threatened with Article 111 paragraph two of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of imprisonment of five to 20 years in prison.

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