Presidential candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan asked the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) to reveal who the perpetrators of odd transactions were for the 2024 election campaign.

This is in response to the disclosure of PPATK regarding the findings of odd transactions related to the 2024 General Election which rose more than 100 percent compared to the 2019 General Election.

"Investigate. Investigate it, and don't let our democracy be damaged by these incorrect practices," Anies told reporters in Lubuklinggau, South Sumatra, Monday, December 18.

From the PPATK report regarding the alleged election fraud, Anies urged law enforcement officials to election organizers, namely the General Elections Commission (KPU) to move together in investigating the report.

"In democracy, we know that there will be costs, and we have to use the right methods. I see that there needs to be a firm stance from the KPU, from law enforcement officials, to investigate thoroughly," explained Anies.

Previously reported, PPATK Head Ivan Yustiavandana said transaction reports allegedly related to money laundering in the 2024 election campaign increased 100 percent in Semester II 2023.

"We see transactions related to the massive election report to PPATK. The increase is more than 100 percent. In cash transactions, suspicious financial transactions, we are investigating this," Ivan said after attending the event 'Dissemination: Distribution of the Results of Cross-Border Crimes' in Jakarta, Thursday 14 December.

According to Ivan, PPATK found several campaign activities without moving transactions in a special account of campaign funds (RKDK).

"This means that there is a discrepancy. Campaign financing and all kinds of things come from where? If the RKDK doesn't move? We see the potential for someone to get an illegal source to help with the campaign," he said.

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