The General Elections Commission (KPU) has finalized the holding of the 2024 presidential election debate which will continue in the second debate.

In the presentation of the next debate concept, the KPU also evaluated several notes from the first debate and accommodated the proposal of a team of presidential and vice-presidential candidates to be implemented.

One of the proposals granted by the KPU is that there will be a podium placement for each candidate on stage in the second to fifth debate.

"We have mutually agreed on the evaluation, including all teams of candidate pairs submitting proposals that in the second and so on, each to the fifth, a simple podium is prepared as a means to appear from each presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate in the next debate, second, third, fourth, and fifth," explained Hasyim at the KPU RI office, Central Jakarta, Monday, December 18.

The second debate will be held on Friday, December 22. The KPU set the location for the second debate specifically for the vice presidential candidate (cawapres) at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan, Central Jakarta.

The theme of the second debate includes the economy (the people's economy and the digital economy), finance, tax investment, trade, management of the APBN-APBD, infrastructure, and urban areas.

In its implementation, the debate will last for 150 minutes starting at 19.00 WIB. Especially the debate session runs for 120 minutes, and the remaining 30 minutes of advertising shows.

Debates are divided into six segments. The first segment is the presentation of vision-mission and work programs by each vice presidential candidate. The second and third segments answered random questions compiled by panelists.

Furthermore, the fourth and fifth segments took place with the vice presidential candidate asking questions to each competing vice presidential candidate. The sixth segment is the closing statement of each vice presidential candidate.

"So, it's exactly like at the time of the first debate, and it will be put in effect until the last debate, fifth debate," said Hasyim.

As the guide for the event, the KPU appointed Transcorp Alfito Deannova Ginting and Kompas TV journalist Liviana Cherlisa to be the moderators of the second debate.

Then, there are 11 panelists who are tasked with compiling questions to the vice presidential candidates according to the theme of the second debate. Here are 11 panelist names:

1. Alamsyah Saragih (Member of Ombudsman RI for the 2016-2020 period)2. Adhitya Wardhono (Economics and Teachers of FEB University of Jember)3. Agustinus Prasetyantoko (Ekonomist and Chancellor of the Indonesian Catholic University Alma Jaya 2015-2023)4. Fausan Al Rasyid (Dekan Faculty of Sharia and Law of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung)5. Handri Saparini (Consistor and Economist of CORE Indonesia)6. Hyronimus Rowa (Deputy Chancellor of Academics and Innovation IPDN)7. Poppy Ismalina (Associate Professor at the Economic Department of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM)8. Retno Agustina Ekaputri (Rector of Bengkulu University 2021-2025)9. Suharnomo (Dekan Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University)10. Tauhid Ahmad (InDEF Executive Director and FEB Lecturer of Veteran National Development University Jakarta)11. Yosa Rizal Damuri (Director Executive Center for Strategic and International Studies/CSIS)

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