Handoyo Bus Accident On Cipali Toll Road Kills 12 People, Here's A List Of Victims
Illustration of the corpse (Photo: dock. Antara)

JAKARTA - The police from the West Java Police released data on victims of the single bus accident, Handoyo on the Cipali Toll Road, which killed 12 people.

The West Java Regional Police today 15 Desemebr have been held by the TKP of the PO Handoyo Bus accident on the Cipali Toll Road.

"The TKP was carried out together with the National Police Traffic Corps using the TAA (Traffic Accident Analysis) tool," said Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police Ibrahim Tompo, Saturday, December 16.

As a result of this accident, temporary data received by the police was reported that 12 people died, 2 people were seriously injured and 7 people were slightly injured.

The victim who died was taken to Abdul Radjak Hospital Purwakarta while the seriously injured victim was taken to Siloam Purwakarta Hospital.

The following is a list of victims of the Handoyo Bus accident on the Cipali Toll Road:

Data On Victims Died

1. CHOLIMAH, Temanggung 31-12-1955, Perempuan, Traders, Hamlet nglarug Rt 01/03 Bantir Village Kec Candi Roto Kab Temanggung2. YEKTI NUGRAHANTI, Magelang, 10-09-1977, Woman, housewife, Kp Salam 1 Rt 04/01 Village Salam Kep Grabag Kab Magelang3. SITI ROHYATI, Kebumen, 20-11-1966/, Woman, housewife, Jalan Tanah Merdeks No 158 Kel Rambutan Kec Ciracas East Jakarta 4.ISKANDAR, Magelang, 13-081954 / Wiraswasta, male, Karang Boyo Hamlet Rt 08/04 Payaman Village Secang Kab Magelang5. OFFICIAL ATIATUN, Magelang, 10-03-1956, female, Karang Boyo Hamlet Rt 08/04 Payaman Kec Secang Kab Magelang6. KASDI, Sragen, 12-09-1960, Male, Trader, Kp Clapar Rt 11/04 Village Purwodadi Kec Tegalrejo Kab Magelang7. MIA FEBRIANTI, Pandeglang, 04-02-1983, female, private, Jalan Mango 5 block W No. 7 Kelurahan Duri kepa Kebon Jeruk West Jakarta8.MASHUDI MUJITO, Magelang, 10-09-1977, private, male, Kp Salam 1 Rt 04/01 Salam Kec Grabag Kab Magelang9.SITI MUNJAYANA, Magelang, 11-12-1968, Women, Housewives, Kp Clapar Rt 11/04 Purwodadi Village Kec Tegalrejo Kab Magelang10. ADELIA, Kp Salam 1 Rt 04/01 Salam Kec Grabag Kab Magelang11. DESTIARA INDAH LESTARI, Magelang, 16-11-2008, Pelajar, Perum Taman Cikarang Indah 1 Block A-1 No. 31 Rt. 002/001 Kel. Ciantra Kec. South Cikarang Kab. Bekasi.12. SITI WINARSIH, Kendal, 06-07-1987, IRT Kp. Kemloko Rt. 006/002 Kel. Kali Bareng Kec. Patean Kab. Kendal.

Data on the identity of the Seriously Injured Victim

1. RAHMA YESMINA, 04-05-2007, Women, Students, Kp. Ransom Ds. Ransom Kec. Kaloran Kab. Temanggung.2. DINASTY AULIA, Lebak, 20-09-2004, Women, Students, Kp. Camberang Rt. 05/08 Kel. Luhur Jaya Kec. Cipanas Kab. Lebak

Data on the identity of minor Injured Victims

1. Indra wiradharma, male, Bekasi, 24 January 1984, student, siliwangi street kp.Rawa Roko Rt.07 Rw.03 Bojong Rawa Lumbu villagec.Rawa Lumbu, Bekasi city2. Sudiyati, female, temanggung, 06 July 1972, housewife, hamlet gejagan 3 Rt.06 Rw.03 kejagan village kc.ngadirejo kab.Tengggung.3. Ahmad hadya rosyadan, male, magelang, 05 December 2010, student, kp.salam Rt.04 Rw.01 village greetings one kec.grabag kab.magelang.4. Amanda faithfully wardani, female, temanggung, 03 January 2003, student, kp.krajan Rt.02 Rw.01 Krajan village kec.tengak kab.tengggung5. Rohmad dawn, male, kendal, 1985 male, kp.krajan Rt.01 Rt.01 Rw.03 village Sidoukti kec.weryi kab.kelinda.6. Handoyo bus reserve driver Rio tri hermawan, male, semarang, 11 October 1990, driver, beautiful durenan policeperson block RR no.9 Rt.08 Rw.06 kel.Tembalang kec. Semarang city complexang.7. Kenek bus handoyo Agus loyalwan, male, magelang, 04 juni 1985, wiraswasta, hamlet bandongan wetan Rt.02 Rw.11 village nggalak kec.Ngablak kab. Magelang.

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