GORONTALO - The Population and Civil Registry Service (Disdukcapil) of Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province sanctioned residents who were noted to often ask for reprinting of Identity Cards (KTP) on the grounds of loss.

Head of the Bone Bolango Dukcapil Office (Kadis) Oktavianus Rahman said, of the approximately 300 residents who have not recorded their electronic ID cards, there are more than 100 of whom have often lost their ID cards.

"We noted that there are more than 100 residents who often experience loss of their ID cards. On average, up to six to seven people lost their ID cards, so they asked for reprinting," Oktavianus said in Gorontalo, Friday, December 15, as reported by Antara.

Oktavianus said that the sanctions given were to provide a deterrent effect so that population administration documents, especially ID cards, were used as valuables that must be properly maintained.

"If it is lost, it will be rewarded with only a paper or certificate (suket) as a substitute for a temporary ID card so that no new KTP replacement can be made until an undetermined time limit," he said.

He hopes that the sanctions will foster a sense of concern and responsibility from the community to be able to maintain their KTP so that they are not lost.

"Especially for those who have lost their ID cards so many times," he said.

According to Oktavianus, this method was done not without reason. Given that the demand for printing ID cards repeatedly has an impact on the use of limited print ink, because there are only a few provider companies appointed as distributors.

"For the blanks that we pick up at the Ministry of Home Affairs, it's free. However, we have to buy the ink from the appointed provider company," he said.

Therefore, for residents who have repeatedly lost their ID cards, they can only be given a certificate.

Meanwhile, for residents who want to record electronic ID cards, domicile transfer services and other population administration services, it is still a priority for the Bone Bolango Dukcapil service.

He said based on existing data, it was recorded that 99.86 percent of Bone Bolango Regency residents were registered and had e-KTPs, and it was targeted that by January 2024 they could reach 100 percent.

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