The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confirmed that it has sufficient evidence to name businessman M Suryo as a suspect in the alleged bribery of a rail procurement project at the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). This institution cannot be arbitrary while working.

"Why did the KPK designate someone as a suspect because of his actions. Not because of the person but because of his actions that fulfilled the evidence," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata to reporters in Jakarta quoted Friday, December 15.

Alexander emphasized that the KPK has never targeted any figure, including Suryo. For him, if the actions committed by the private sector violate the criminal law, the determination of the suspect can be carried out.

"That's enough, it has met the qualifications as a criminal act. That's the formulation of a law like that," he said.

"So the KPK does not talk about people but talks about actions because acts are regulated in the law to eradicate corruption," continued Alexander.

In the future, Alexander said investigators would summon Suryo. However, it is not yet known when the summons will be made.

"Moreover, yesterday the leadership, in this case Pak Tanak, had publicly conveyed that in terms of evidence, it was sufficient," he said.

Previously reported, Suryo was mentioned in the indictment of the former Head of the Class 1 Railway Engineering Center for the Central Java region (Jabagteng) Putu Sumarjaya also received a sleep fee related to the project at DJKA. The money was received through an intermediary, Anis Syarifah.

Sleeping fee is money from the company that won the project auction to the losing party. This kind of giving is thought to be common in the regulatory process.

The details of the receipt were stated on September 26, 2022, that there was a cash deposit from the Suranto Tattoo of IDR 3.5 billion and IDR 2.2 billion. Then, Suryo received IDR 1.7 billion from Freddy Nur Cahya and IDR 2.1 billion from Irhas Ivan Dhani.

Not only that, the indictment also stated that Suryo and entrepreneur Wahyudi Kurniawan were brokers for railway contractor partners.

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