The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of South Sulawesi Province is still reviewing the alleged election violation by one of the legislative candidates (caleg) who campaigned for one of the houses of worship and the video went viral on social media.
"We will first see the material in the campaign, whether it is in its presence to campaign for his image, vision and mission, work programs. Well, if the element is fulfilled then there must be legal deepening of Bawaslu's analysis studies," said Head of South Sulawesi Bawaslu Mardiana Rusli, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, December 14.
He said Bawaslu had received information regarding the alleged violation and an initial investigation was carried out whether it had anything to do with it. This refers to the rules in Article 280 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections which states that one of the places prohibited from campaigning is in houses of worship.
"For the case that occurred in one of the places of worship and involved one of the legislative candidates," said Ana, familiarly called, Bawaslu, found that there was a text of the sentence introducing him, the rest was filled with regional language.
"Well, that's what we studied, whether there was an element of vision and mission, then explained that there was an invitation, it was in the language he (the legislative)," said Mardiana.
Asked whether the alleged violation could be processed even though the evidence of a viral video clip, he said, was still being studied, because the information obtained from the media was further developed.
"It is different if the report, where we also see if it is very formal and the material, the elements are fulfilled, registration is carried out. But, first look at the material does not have the content. That means, it is a bit difficult. Well, the aspect is we have to see why this is, there is a person's political right to life, so we don't have to decide then, we have to study it first," he explained.
According to Ana, it is legal for this legislative candidate to convey himself as long as he does not fulfill the elements that were conveyed earlier. However, South Sulawesi Bawaslu continues to supervise and develop related events related to the parties present in the activity and while in the house of worship.
Previously, a candidate from the Gerindra Party named Aris Titti was suspected of campaigning at a church in Makassar City. The action was recorded on video until it went viral on social media.
The 1.42 minute video is in front of the congregation wearing a batik shirt holding the microphone while introducing him.
In the video, Aris said that he had been in politics for 13 years in the Gerindra Party and said that he had been mandated as Chairman of the Christmas Committee this year.
He even introduced himself to run for the DPR RI until he admitted that he was given the number seven by the Gerindra Party.
Confirmed separately, Aris Titti said he did not know whether to have committed a violation or not, because so far there has been no call from Bawaslu regarding what the violation was.
"I don't know if it (introducing myself in church) is considered a violation or not. In my opinion, it's not a violation because in the midst of my extended family Lo'ko Uru," said Aris.
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