BENGKULU - Bengkulu High Prosecutor's Investigation Team (Kejati) conducted an examination of the Head of the Bengkulu Province Communication, Informatics and Statistics Office (Kominfo)

namely OS and the Activity Technical Implementation Officer (PPTK), namely IA, related to the alleged corruption case of the Bengkulu Province Kominfo publication fund for the 2022 fiscal year.

"It's still an initial investigation, so there hasn't been much comment," said Head of Section (Kasi) of Investigation of the Bengkulu Attorney General's Office, Danang Prasetyo, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 14.

Previously, the Bengkulu Attorney General's Office received a report from the public regarding the alleged corruption of the Bengkulu Province Kominfo publication funds.

"There were reports coming in, then the leadership's position was in the field of pidsus. Many were reported and one of them was conveyed earlier," he said.

With the report, his party followed up and examined the evidence that had been received by the Bengkulu Attorney General's Office.

"We will follow up and review the strength of the evidence and will take a stand, summons to related parties will definitely be carried out and related to problems reported in Bengkulu Province," explained Danang.

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