The Banda Aceh Police Team has examined 11 Rohingya refugees and found indications of an alleged smuggling network of people entering Indonesia via Aceh, also involving local residents in three provinces.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banda Aceh Police, Kompol Fadillah Aditya Pratama, said that the 11 Rohingya refugees being examined were part of 137 people who landed at Lamreh Beach, Aceh Besar District, on December 10.

The results of the development led to two refugees within the group, who strongly suspected of playing an important role in the smuggling network from Bangladesh to Indonesia.

"From the results of our investigation, both of them have an important role. From other witnesses, it is suspected that there was a transaction, there were advantages that had it, and indeed there were those who controlled or recruited hundreds of ethnic Rohing people who entered Aceh," said Fadilah as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, December 14.

In addition to examining witnesses, the police also used technology to track the network's communication lines from cell phones confiscated from one of the refugees.

From the results of the development, the police found that the Rohing delivery network involved local residents in three provinces, namely Aceh, North Sumatra, and Riau.

However, Fadillah said that he could not open more details of the investigation until the time it would be revealed when the suspect was named. His party wants to really confirm from the evidence collected because the case also involves a team consisting of immigration parties, language expert witnesses, and the Directorate of General Investigation of the Aceh Police.

"So far they are still witnesses, we will immediately determine the suspect," he said.

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) sebelumnya menyatakan pemerintah Indonesia merespons dengan serius gelombang kedatangan pempungan Rohingya yang masuk melalui Aceh, karena jumlahnya begitu menimbulkan keresesan dan penolahan dari masyarakat lokal.

Although the government stated that it would help the refugees, it only temporarily accommodates them by continuing to find the best solution by prioritizing the interests of local residents.

In addition, Jokowi also ordered law enforcement officials to take firm action against allegations of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) behind the arrival of Rohingya refugees.

Based on the latest data from UNHCR, there were 1,684 Rohing refugees entering Indonesia via Aceh in 2023. The number of refugees is increasing at the end of this year using ship access.

So far, the Aceh Police have uncovered cases of alleged trafficking of people related to the arrival of Rohing refugees and detained five suspects in Pidie Regency, East Aceh, and Lhokseumawe.

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