JAKARTA - Member of the Steering Committee of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Budiman Sudjatmiko, opened his voice about the spotlight on the Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka who was caught provoking his supporters in a presidential candidate debate at the KPU.

Budiman assessed that Gibran's attitude in inviting his supporters to cheer up when the Constitutional Court (MK) decision was mentioned was not a violation. Even so, TKN Prabowo-Gibran submitted the assessment to the KPU and Bawaslu.

"That leaves it to the KPU, how is it the KPU or Bawaslu, please, we will not give a response. If it is considered not a violation, then it's okay," Budiman told reporters in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 13, evening.

Budiman also believes that in the upcoming presidential candidate debate Gibran will be able to fight other candidates. Although, he said, many parties said Gibran was economical.

"Be sure he will talk a lot at the right time, and the 22nd debate forum will be the right time," said Budiman.

Regarding whether Gibran will meet President Joko Widodo before the debate, Budiman assessed that only in the capacity of parents and children.

"Yes, what are you doing. If you meet Mr. Jokowi, you meet his biological father, you want to ask for his blessing, what's the problem? Meeting his friends doesn't have a problem either, does he?," he concluded.

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