JAKARTA - Anies Baswedan started his vision by bringing up millennials who became vice presidential candidates. On the other hand, the Presidential Candidate number 1 said there were millennials who had to deal with tear gas when they had an opinion.

"And if we watch today there is one millennial person who can become a vice presidential candidate, but there are thousands of millennials generation Z who care about the nation's children, who care about those who are marginalized when expressing opinions when criticizing the government when faced with violence faced with conflict and even with tear gas," said Anies.

In addition, Anies also mentioned the case of Harun Al Rasyid's death in the tragedy of the 2019 presidential election riots. Harun was a supporter of Prabowo Subianto during the 2019 presidential election and died while protesting against the election's decision at that time. Watch the video below.

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