JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan responded to Prabowo Subianto regarding human rights (HAM) issues in Papua. Anies mentioned the main problem because of injustice.

"The problem is not violence, in Jakarta there are those who think this is terrorism, crime, the main problem is there is no justice," Anies said in a presidential candidate debate.

Anies also said that it was necessary to have a dialogue in dealing with KKB affairs in Papua. But justice is the main factor.

Prabowo in his presentation said that the Papua issue was complicated because of the KKB separatism movement.

"We have been following for a long time, we have seen that there is foreign interference, we see certain forces always want Indonesia to be integrated and broken. Human rights issues are something that we must prioritize and among them we must protect the Papuan people, because terrorists attack the Papuans themselves, innocent people, women. small children, terrorized by terrorist groups, "said Prabowo talking about accelerating development in Papua and the economy.

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