VIDEO: TKN Prabowo-Gibran Affirms Prabowo Subianto Is Not A Human Rights Violator
VIDEO: TKN Prabowo-Gibran Affirms Prabowo Subianto Is Not A Human Rights Violator. (VOI Video graphics Team)

JAKARTA - As if it had become a subscription issue every 5 years, this time it was busy again about the presidential candidate with serial number 2 Prabowo Subianto who was said to be a person who violated human rights due to the tragedy of kidnapping in 1998. Here's the review.

The Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN) gathered a number of activists and victims of kidnappings in 98 to confirm that Prabowo Subianto was not a human rights violator on Monday, December 11 at the Prabowo-Gibran Media Center, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. At the press conference, TKN presented 98 activists, namely Budiman Sudjatmiko, Andi Arief, and Agus Jabo. Also presenting anti-corruption activists Irma Hutabarat, Former Commissioner HAM Natalius Pigai, and NGO activist Rachland Nashidik.

The former chairman of PRD and now a member of the TKN Expert Council, Budiman Sudjatmiko, defended Prabowo. He said that Prabowo was only carrying out the state's duties that were ordered to him which aimed at protecting Indonesia at that time.

Budiman also emphasized that Prabowo was not a criminal. Because he has always been ratified as a participant in the presidential election in a row since 2009. The former PDIP politician also stated that the party bearing the bull logo also admitted that Prabowo had no problems because he had made him Megawati's vice presidential assistant in 2009.

On the same occasion, Natalius Pigai gave a statement based on the conclusions of the Komnas HAM investigation to this day, Prabowo Subianto's name is not listed as a human rights violator. Natalius closed his statement by saying that both Prabowo, Ganjar, and Anies both have a clean name and can contest the 2024 presidential election. Watch the video below.

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