The General Election Commission (KPU) of Dharmasraya Regency in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) noted that as many as 18 ethnic children (SAD) were included as a Permanent Voter List (DPT) in the 2024 General Election.

KPU commissioner Dharmasraya Wilri Iswandi said the 18 SAD residents would exercise their voting rights on February 14, 2024.

"These SAD residents are registered at three polling stations in Nagari Bani, District IX Koto," he said on Punjung Island, West Sumatra, Tuesday, December 12, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the Dharmasraya KPU has made efforts to socialize to mobilize the internal ethnicity to exercise their voting rights on voting day.

"We have coordinated with the nagari government regarding socialization for the citizens of SAD, because they already have population administration and receive social assistance from the government, hopefully this will make it easier for the KPU to communicate and socialize to these marginals," he said.

He said, including the ethnicity of children as voters is an effort to embrace marginals, because all people have the same right to participate in elections.

"Domestic children also have the same rights as citizens," he said.

He said the 18 SADs were members of the Electoral Region (Dapil) I covering Districts IX Koto and Pulau Punjung District. The internal children will receive five ballots, including ballots for the President-Vice Presidential candidate, DPR RI ballots, DPD, Provincial DPRD, and Regency/City DPRD.

He said that in the 2024 election, the Dharmasraya KPU determined the polling location to total 693 polling stations, spread over 11 sub-districts and 52 villages or traditional villages.

Meanwhile, the number of voters based on the DPT was 166,987 votes with male voters 84,064 and female voters 82,923.

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