Chairman of the East Java Golkar DPD Sarmuji responded to the statement by PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto who reminded Indonesia not to be led by human rights violators (HAM).

Although he did not mention who the human rights violators were, so far the accusations are attached to the presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto.

According to Sarmuji, Hasto's statement is strange if it is addressed to Prabowo. This is because Prabowo was once a vice presidential candidate to accompany PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"Well, if Mr. Prabowo violates human rights when PDIP was in power, Mrs. Mega should have been the president, and she was once Mrs. Mega's representative," said Sarmuji in the Senayan area, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 12.

"So it's strange that's the statement you're looking for," he continued.

The East Java TKD Prabowo-Gibran steering board appealed to certain parties not to bring up something that seemed to be looking for the fault of other parties. Sarmuji also invited these parties, including the PDIP, to develop a good political narrative.

"I agree with Mr. Bambang Pacul (Chairman of Bappilu PDIP, ed), if we want to support people, we just support our candidates, there is no need to insult others. I agree with Mr. Bambang Pacul, the commander of the Central Java PDIP," he said.

Previously, the Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto reminded human rights violators (HAM) not to be given the opportunity to lead Indonesia.

Initially, Hasto ensured that Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD was ready to participate in the inaugural debate which will be held on Tuesday, December 12.

This is because the pair number three is a person who prioritizes human rights and even has a program to resolve serious past violations fairly.

"In his program, Pak Ganjar and Prof. Mahfud made their commitment to human rights a calling for their souls because human values are very important, loving the people, loving the country is part of the commitment shown," said Hasto in a written statement quoted on Monday, December 11.

Hasto considered this attitude different from the couple who did not include the vision and mission regarding past human rights violations and their resolution.

Hasto did not mention who he meant. However, he asked the public not to monitor those who were deemed to have no concern for the issue.

"Don't let this republic be led by people who have a track record of human rights violations. Moreover, there are candidate pairs who do not include (visions and missions, ed) related to human rights," he said.

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