JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate number two, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, said that the 'tone' or mass media reporting pattern was no longer negative. Thus, volunteers are asked not to be provoked by statements from other candidate pairs (paslon).

Gibran made this statement in front of several volunteer leaders including Projo, Bolone Mase, to Samawi.

"I also see that news tones have also led, negative reports starting on the floor, so we don't need to be provoked by (statements) what our competitors have said," said Gibran in the Melawai area, South Jakarta, Monday, December 11.

The mayor of Solo also asked the volunteers to 'cover their ears' against attacks that were nuanced of slander against candidate pairs number two. There is no need to respond or even provide clarification.

"If there are attacks or slander, maybe, there is no need to clarify, there is no need for slander to be rewarded with slander, there is no need to sneer at being answered sarcastically," said Gibran.

According to him, during this campaign period, what must be done is to raise votes so that Prabowo-Gibran is elected as President and Vice President of Indonesia in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

"We focus on voicing our vision and mission," said Gibran.

This is because it is undeniable that the other candidate pairs will change their strategy to win the 2024 election contestation. Especially after the emergence of the Kompas Research and Development survey which put Prabowo-Gibran at the top.

"After there is a release of this survey that we must understand and we must move quickly, adapt quickly. So if they change their automatic strategy, we must mitigate too," said Gibran.

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